Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2025
Session 1: 5-7 May 2025 (Mon, Tue, Wed)
Session 2: 23-25 June 2025 (Mon, Tue, Wed)
Session 3: 28-30 July 2025 ( Mon, Tue, Wed)
The Invitation
Dear Colleague
Sub: Onsite Workshop in Delhi “Radical Transformational Leadership for Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL) for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2025
May 5-7, June 23-25, 28-30 July 2025
We hope you and family are doing well!
RTLWorks is committed to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals through constellation of individuals and organizations committed to well-being for all, and this is very relevant to today’s time. Everybody can choose to be a radical transformational leader and contribute to meeting the Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) everywhere.
​We are delighted invite you to a unique three-part training series on Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL) for DEI (click here to view the Workshop concept note) that equips participants with RTL tools, perspectives, and methodologies for meaningful organizational change, celebrating all intersections, with a focus on disability and other marginalized identities. The word radical means “root.” The Oxford English Dictionary defines radical as “relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something.” We are using the word radical in this sense—the root of our being, our innate self, which manifests when our ego takes a back seat.​
The Conscious Full Spectrum Response Model and RTL are the foundational organizational development model and approach for achieving the DEI in organizations. It offers an opportunity approach to transcend divisive differences, embrace universal values, and harness individual potential for systemic change. This programme is designed to unleash your full potential and ethical leadership in yourself and inspire others to do so to transform your lives, your work and your society to source my inner capacities and wisdom for action, accept diversity and embrace others, and use my professional abilities skilfully. It will provide you with approaches, templates and tools to expand your reach and impact, through shaping your existing work and initiatives, and offers opportunities to established or budding leaders from organizations to build results/action-based alliances and create paradigmatic shifts in realizing and achieving diversity, equity and inclusion.
We are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Monica Sharma, the author of the award-winning book-‘Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents’ that uses a unique response model based on extensive application – a conscious full-spectrum model - which simultaneously solves problems, shifts systems and creates new patterns sourced from universal values. The book is the winner of the 2017 Nautilus Gold Book Award for Business and Leadership. Past winners include Desmond Tutu, The Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh. Dr. Monica Sharma is a world-class Practitioner Coach and former Director, Leadership and Capacity Development, United Nations. Her capacity to foster leadership and design large scale projects to source commitment and deliver tangible results is globally recognized.
Please feel free to contact my colleagues for any assistance at team@rtlworks.com, Glasika, Mobile: +91 6260337629 (Phone, Signal, telegram and WhatsApp).
Look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Sudarshan Rodriguez
Founder & CEO, RTLWorks
Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL) for
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion 2025
FACE TO FACE on-site in New Delhi
A Unique three Workshop Series of Nine Days over 3 months
In today’s interconnected world, fostering an inclusive, empathetic workplace requires a transformation that transcends traditional DEI initiatives. Radical Transformational Leadership (RTL) for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) offers an opportunity approach to transcend, embrace universal values, and harness individual potential for systemic change. The word radical means “root.” The Oxford English Dictionary defines radical as “relating to or affecting the fundamental nature of something.” We are using the word radical in this sense—the root of our being, our innate self, which manifests when our ego takes a back seat.
This three-part workshop series equips participants with RTL tools, perspectives, and methodologies for meaningful organizational change, celebrating all intersections, with a focus on disability and other marginalized identities. ​This programme is designed to unleash our full potential and ethical leadership in ourselves and inspire others to do so to transform our lives, our work and our society to source our inner capacities and wisdom for action, accept diversity and embrace others, and use our professional abilities skillfully. It will provide you with approaches, templates and tools to expand your reach and impact, through shaping your existing work and initiatives, and offers opportunities to established or budding leaders from organizations to build results/action-based alliances and create paradigmatic shifts in realizing and achieving diversity, equity and inclusion.
"No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, or his background, or his religion."- Nelson Mandela
​​RTLWorks is committed to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals through constellation of individuals and organizations committed to well-being for all.
How can we rediscover who we are as human BEINGS beyond race, gender, caste, tribe, while honoring diversity and celebrating difference, as I embrace my social profile - nationality, race, religion, gender, class, tribe, language? In RTL we do so by transcending all divisive perspectives and actions, embracing diversity, authentically accepting others in an inclusive way. Human beings deep down are the same. We love, grieve, are wired to connect, need to belong and be embraced. In every culture worldwide we express compassion, fairness, dignity, and empathy. Diversity is a space of celebration and inclusion. As human beings, we have much more in common than we have differences; we all experience love, compassion, sorrow, joy, grief, and the need to belong, to dance and sing, to revere nature and life. We are interdependent. There is a lack of full-spectrum Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) training within corporate environments that effectively addresses the need for radical change in organizational culture. Traditional approaches often fail to create meaningful, lasting impact, leaving marginalized groups under-represented and equity issues unaddressed.
Our identity - who we are and our social affiliations - can contribute to our world and our community, but only when it is fully inclusive. Our inclusivity allows us to celebrate, create social and cultural bridges, and generate beneficial results for us all. Too often, however, identity and its expression become rigid, defining, and exclusionary.
When people embody and act from the universal values of dignity, fairness, and compassion, they engage in what they care deeply about, self-organize, self-correct, and operate as independent yet interdependent entities. Diversity and pluralism thrive for the enhancement and joy of all in society. Stewarding change requires us to be able to hold multiple perspectives and include all. Our most powerful identity for a paradigm shift lies in our unique inner capacities, our essential oneness.
This needs new transformations that source our inner capacities and new design to make a difference. This calls for creating organizational and cultural transformation that is enduring through generative conversations and action that enhance wellbeing and equitable growth of all. To do this, we must locate new opportunities; integrate short- and long-term thinking and harness knowledge and our human potential to create new patterns and systems by embodying universal values, respecting everyone and embracing diversity.
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere."- Martin Luther King Jr
To foster leaders and organizations who manifest their full potential for ethical leadership, source universal values for solving problems and simultaneously create systems and cultural norms for diversity, equity and inclusion.
Source inner capacities and creativity for strategic and ethical action to unfold full potential of self and others, while shifting unworkable systems and cultural norms to realize and achieve diversity, equity and inclusion.
Stimulate pattern thinking, identify leverage points and strategic drivers to establish new patterns that transform systems while solving problems synergistically in the context of diversity, equity and inclusion.
Use transformational design templates and operational strategies to align and synergize actions and results in order to establish equitable and enduring results, both immediate and long-term, for diversity, equity and inclusion.
Co-create actionable DEI projects and strategies tailored to diverse organizational settings for enduring impact.
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."- Helen Keller
RTL for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is an innovative leadership program that has been proven to generate needed paradigmatic shifts world-wide. This is a unique whole-systems transformation-oriented, learning-in-action program that grounds us in our deepest values and existing expertise, enables us to hold multiple perspectives and guides us in designing for cultural and system- level changes. The program will foster the ability to cultivate spaces to hold multiple perspectives without compromising universal values. It means this as a change-agent/leader can discern and distinguish worldviews based on universal values from opinions and points of view based solely on rational arguments and justifications. We/I do not become stuck in a particular perspective or in any particular point of view and will recognize interdependence and value diversity and will have the ability to see different perspectives and provide a space for creating alternatives and innovation.​
This programme is offered face-to-face/on-site mode. The workshop design requires participants to accelerate their own transformative process. Participants will apply the tools and templates they learn in an ongoing project/initiative/work - a break-through initiative (BTI). They will build upon their ongoing work/projects that they deeply care about and wish to transform and explore work at scale and innovate.
No lectures - but highly effective experiential and peer learning from insights and reflections
Space for cross-cultural, cross-sectoral, diverse conversations and mutual learning
Immediate results through personal practice while setting foundation for the longer term.
Immediate results in projects through the inter-session practice (weekly coaching calls/zoom call sharing insights and practice of tools from the workshop) of the tools learnt in the programme.
The program consists of a series of 3 workshops. New templates and tools to enhance capacities are introduced in each session. In between each workshop, weekly sessions are held in small groups, where we share our practice, and participants work alongside others from a variety of disciplines to build common language and practices so that we can work in synergy.
The program is designed to overcome traditional limitations and linear unidirectional approaches by introducing a comprehensive set of approaches to achieve and realize diversity, equity and inclusion that encompasses all intersectionality.
"I would like to be remembered as a person who wanted to be free... so other people would be also free."- Rosa Parks
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​WHO CAN PARTICPATE?
Any individual and organizations who burn for equity, human unity and dignity for everyone and is in action and is working and committed to the diversity, equity and inclusion to make difference in our society as well as their organization and society sourcing universal values and ethical action for well-being; organizations and individuals in Education/Academia, Corporate, Government, Civil Society, Communication and Media. More than one participant from an organization or team is encouraged to apply.
Session 1: 5-7 May 2025 (Mon, Tue, Wed)
Session 2: 23-25 June 2025 (Mon, Tue, Wed)
Session 3: 28-30 July 2025 (Mon, Tue, Wed)
PLEASE NOTE: All participants must commit to participating in all 9 days of the programme and in all the three sessions. Missing sessions or any day will result in not continuing further sessions/days and dropping out of the course/workshop.
Timings are 9.30 AM TO 5.30 PM India Standard Time
Except Session 1 Day 1 – we close at 730 PM.
Click here on the form​
Last date to apply: 4th April 2025
The registration fee (inclusive of GST) for the 2 part workshop:
Rs. 1,50,000 inc. GST (does NOT include lunch or accommodation during workshop days)
For group registrations from organizations: When two participants register, the third participant can attend for free.
Last day for payment of registration fee: 18th April 2025
It is a great opportunity to work on inter-dependent strategies for diversity, equity and inclusion provided we use the right design architecture, templates and strategies such as the Conscious Full-Spectrum Response (CFSR) model and RTL tool and templates. This is a cutting-edge, new generation thinking that has been proven to generate transformative changes worldwide and is designed by Dr. Monica Sharma (author of award-winning book “Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents”). The book is based on her vast and extensive experience over 35 years of application of various methods, templates and tools for tangible results for people’s development worldwide, in over 60 countries.
The Conscious Full Spectrum Response (CFSR) Model fosters the ability to simultaneously hold multiple perspectives and yet have principled action and results. This is the new way of thinking, designing and action for solving complex problems and all forms of othering and exclusion. It offers a new path for changemakers to experience the deeper convergence of principles, purpose and practice to generate concrete results that benefit all of humanity.
It intertwines three threads of a paradigm shift: (a) source our wisdom/inner potential and universal values for action; (b) shift cultural norms, systems, and structures that maintain the status quo and disempowering norms and in order to become principled game changers; and (c) solve problems generate specific equitable and enduring results.
The Conscious Full Spectrum Response Model is the foundational organizational development model for achieving diversity, equity and inclusion. It is a transdisciplinary model and template for strategic action and is robust enough to hold the frameworks of different disciplines and diverse schools of thought.
This meta-frame is designed to, simultaneously in time, solve problems and generate measurable results, transform unworkable systems and cultural norms that perpetuate these problems, create new patterns sourced from individuals’ inner capacity, universal values and transformational leadership. What is unique about the RTL tools and templates, including the conscious full-spectrum response (CFSR) model is that:
It addresses complex problems, creating an enabling environment and language for partnerships from different disciplines, cross sectoral boundaries, adopting a whole-systems approach.
citizens, policymakers, and experts, from various disciplines and professions, can create new knowledge and understanding for strategic action, always anchored in a resonant space of oneness and universal values. They transcend ideology and work together to create value-based alternatives.
It is subject agnostic and therefore can be applied across verticals and functions in an organization.
"What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make." - Jane Goodall
Main Resource Persons
Dr. Monica Sharma trained as a physician and epidemiologist, worked for the United Nations since 1988 for 22 years. Currently, she engages worldwide as an International Expert and Practitioner on Leadership Development for sustainable and equitable change. She works with United Nations, Universities, Management Institutions, governments, business, media and civil society organisations. She is the author of the award-winning book “Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents”. She created a unique response based on extensive application –a conscious full-spectrum model- that generated equitable and sustainable results related to several Sustainable Development Goals, worldwide. As a practitioner, her proven track record of generating measurable results at scale, expertise related to achieving sustainable development goals as well as enhancing leadership on every continent, are unique.
Sudarshan Rodriguez is the CEO at RTLWorks, which is defining the radical
transformational leadership worldwide. He has a wide range of expertise in environmental sciences, disaster management and livelihoods. He is a practitioner coach trained in the Conscious Full-Spectrum Response Model, a transformational leadership approach based on universal values and ethics developed and created by Dr. Monica Sharma. His passion to work for planetary and people’s well-being and vision for people’s development worldwide makes
him stand out from the crowd.
Other Resource Persons:
Pragya Mahajan works as an Assistant Manager at Tata Power-Delhi Distribution Limited, where she has over four years of experience in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Her expertise lies in designing and implementing impactful community initiatives, especially for marginalized communities, focusing on education, employability, and health. With a master’s in social work in Public Health from TISS, Pragya has worked on diverse projects, including women’s literacy, skill development, and mobile healthcare services. A recipient of the Tata Engage Exemplary Volunteering Award, she combines strategic thinking with grassroots implementation to drive positive change. Pragya is passionate about diversity, equity, and inclusion, advocating for historically disadvantaged groups.
Glasika is a social work counsellor, Assistant coordinator of RTL-Works Glasika
cares deeply about humanity, joy and happiness. She currently works as program coordinator of RTLWorks. She is a member of the RTL Global Mental Health group. She trained to be an engineer and thereafter pursued professional social work counsellor training from the Tata Institute of Social sciences, Guwahati. She is an RTL Practitioner Coach and has been trained in using the RTL tools and templates and applies them in her work on promoting wellbeing
in the school. She works closely with marginalized communities to foster well-being and empathy.