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Radical Transformational Leadership
Here and Now 2024 (ONLINE)

Session I: 31 August to 2 September 2024 (Sat-Mon)

Session II: 5-6 October 2024 (Sat-Sun)

Session III: 9-10 November 2024 (Sat-Sun)

Session IV: 7-8 December 2024 (Sat-Sun)


The Invitation

Dear Colleague,


We hope you and your family are doing well. 

Everybody can choose to be a radical transformational leader and contribute to addressing our challenges be it in our society, home or workplace. Our challenges of today need new transformations that source our inner capacities, and new design to make a difference. This implies that we can shift unworkable cultural norms and systems to generate extraordinary results.

RTLWorks and the RTL in Auroville have joined hands for this online pan India Africa, Asia-Pacific online program to invite you to a unique four-part online training series on radical transformational leadership. Radical transformational leadership capacities - principled action, strategic design, creative thinking, generative conversations and results are required to build a world based on the values of dignity, fairness and compassion. These new capacities bring alignment of principles, purpose and practice in individuals and organizations for our humanity.


RTLWorks is committed to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through constellation of individuals and organizations committed to well-being for all and this is very relevant to today’s times.


RTL in Auroville, provides Radical Transformational Leadership programs in English and Tamil   for the community in Auroville and its bio-region enabling participants to design and implement breakthrough initiatives, expand their reach and generate significant transformative change.


This series of workshops will provide you with templates and tools to lead your work and projects to expand your reach and impact in the world. It offers the opportunity for established or budding leaders from the media, government, civil society, public and private sector to explore issues that can transform your work, organisations and initiatives to focusing on social and environmental well-being for results with systemic change.

We are extremely fortunate to have Dr. Monica Sharma, the author of the award-winning book  - ‘Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents’ that uses a unique response model based on extensive application – a conscious full-spectrum model - which simultaneously solves problems, shifts systems and creates new patterns sourced from universal values. The book is the winner of the 2017 Nautilus Gold Book Award for Business and Leadership. Past winners include Desmond Tutu, The Dalai Lama and Thich Nhat Hanh.

Dr. Monica Sharma is a world-class Practitioner Coach and former Director, Leadership and Capacity Development, United Nations. Her capacity to foster leadership and design large scale projects to source commitment and deliver tangible results is globally recognised.

This social transformation workshop is designed to unleash your full potential and enroll others to transform our lives, our work and our society and produce results by using a whole system transformation methodology and integrated design principles. 

The workshop is open to all change-makers wanting to generate equitable and sustainable results for well-being. Facilitated by Dr. Monica Sharma, in partnership with Bridget Horkan, Sanjeev Ranganathan, Srilatha Juvva, and Sudarshan Rodriguez.


  • Session 1: 31 August-2 September 2024 (Sat to Mon) 

  • Session 2: 5-6 October 2024 (Sat to Sun)

  • Session 3: 9-10 November 2024 (Sat to Sun)

  • Session 4: 7-8 December 2024 (Sat to Sun)



Check your local time below

The program will challenge each of us to delve deep into our being; and generate new breakthrough ideas, sourcing our abilities to envision a new future, commit ourselves to action and acquire the skills to attain this future. It consists of a series of 4 online workshops over 9 days (3 workshops during weekends and 1 workshop from Saturday to Monday), spaced apart by 1 month each. New capacities are introduced in each session and practiced inter-session to put these in action.

PLEASE NOTE: All participants must commit to participating in all the four sessions. Missing sessions or any day will result in not continuing further sessions/days and dropping out of the course/workshop.  


Click here on the form


Register before 15 April  2024 and get a 20% early bird discount. 


The registration fee (inclusive of GST ) for the 4-part workshop series:

  • All new registered participants based in India- Rs. 31,860.

  • USD 500 for participants from Income poor countries.

  • USD 840 for participants from and based in income rich countries as well corporates, International organizations and donor agencies.

  • For Students- Rs. 2,360.

  • For our RTL Alumni repeating a stage I- Rs. 15,930.

  • Discounts for group registrations from organization

  • Early Bird Discount of 20% for registration and payment before 15 April 2024



If you would like to sponsor any candidate or contribute to a scholarship

  • This is not a sponsored program and we have not procured grants for the workshop, but we are exploring for scholarships. 

  • All the facilitators and resource people are working in service pro bono.

  • Please feel free to contact us for any assistance at    

     Glasika: +91  6260337629 (Phone, Signal, Telegram and Whatsapp)

     Team RTL on Signal/WhatsApp: +91 9869219901   


●    23rd August 2024      :  Last day to register 
●    23rd 
August 2024     :  Last date for payment for workshop fee


Sudarshan Rodriguez
























































Anchor 1

Radical Transformational Leadership
Here and Now 2024

This social transformation programme is designed to unleash the full potential and ethical leadership in ourselves and inspire others to do so to transform our lives, our work and our society by leading our projects using a whole systems methodology and design principles. It will provide you with approaches, templates and tools to expand your reach and impact, through shaping a breakthrough initiative, which transforms how you lead your projects and make a difference locally and in the world. It offers opportunities to established or budding leaders from the public, private, and non-profit organizations to build results/action-based alliances and create paradigmatic shifts.


This workshop is jointly conducted by RTLWorks and RTL in Auroville.   


RTLWorks is committed to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through constellation of individuals and organizations committed to well-being for all and this is very relevant to today’s times.


RTL in Auroville, provides Radical Transformational Leadership programs in English and Tamil   for the community in Auroville and its bio-region enabling participants to design and implement breakthrough initiatives, expand their reach and generate significant transformative change.


Everybody can choose to be a radical transformational leader and contribute to addressing our challenges be it in our society, home or workplace. This needs new transformations that source our inner capacities, and new design to make a difference. This implies that we can shift unworkable cultural norms and systems to generate extraordinary results.


Today, we face conflicts and crises such as the COVID-19 pandemic that shake the very foundation on which we exist. Even though we know what to do to solve problems of injustice and poverty, respond to the environmental crisis, and have the resources; often, we neither act for our well-being nor address crucial issues to create a thriving community and planet. An alignment is missing between these actions and our deepest values, leading to partial responses. Alignment with our innate values, such as caring and dignity. These deep values are “universal values” that apply to everyone, everywhere, not just to those close to us.


Solutions lie in our capacity to design and implement large scale programs in society and in institutions in a more sustainable and equitable manner. To do this, we must locate new opportunities; integrate short- and long-term thinking and harness knowledge and    technology to create new patterns and systems by embodying values, respecting everyone and embracing diversity. This calls for creating cultural transformation that is large scale and sustainable through generative conversations and action that enhance wellbeing and equitable growth of all.

There are some critical questions that we face and must ask:

  • Why is the migrant worker, who is critical to building our houses in the cities, paid the least attention in the process of preparation for the lockdown and unlock plans?

  • Why is there a tendency to hoard supplies during the time of lockdown, when we can share resources with each other?

  • Why does 1 % of the world population own 44% of the global assets? (Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report 2019).

  • Why does our country - and the world - continue to be challenged by so much injustice, social exclusion, inequities, and disparities?

  • With the Indian economy now the 12th largest in the world, why does one farmer commit suicide every 30 minutes? Why is there a growing intolerance to differences and diversity?

Answering these questions, will require us to shake off the fragmented approaches of the past, and evolve new ways of being, thinking and acting that fundamentally transform the theories and nature of the current development practices.


Philanthropic and corporate engagement in India has been increasing and has a potential to positively impact our society through sustainable measures to address environmental, social and governance challenges. Transforming and building leadership in the health and education sectors (schools and colleges) is a strategic opportunity to bring about a new and next generation of ‘responsible global citizenry and youth of the world’ given the demographic pattern and the large proportion of youth in India. It calls for citizens to not only respond to the pandemic, but to also realize their potential to build resilience and create thriving and healthy societies that place emphasis on healing and wellbeing.



To foster leaders and organizations who source their full potential for ethical leadership and hold multiple principled perspectives based on universal values in solving problems by shifting systems and cultural norms for human and environmental wellbeing.


  1. Source one's creativity and full potential for strategic and ethical action.

  2. To explore the potential of human beings to realize their purpose in life and contribute towards this, while generating results by shifting unworkable systems.

  3. Stimulate pattern thinking when identifying systems leverage and strategic drivers to transform systems of injustice and inequality while solving problems synergistically.

  4. Create effective implementation strategies in the context of breakthrough initiatives to generate outcomes and impact; and know how to transform breakdowns into breakthroughs while in action, especially to deal with the pandemic.

  5. Formulate and align strategic actions and results to establish equitable and sustainable change. Design operational strategies to scale our ideas for immediate results as well as long term and large-scale sustainable impact.

  6. Enable participants to move from only managing projects to leading transformational change and deliver tangible results based on ethics and universal values; practicing transformation techniques and methodologies in routine activities. Forge results-oriented partnerships across sector, issues, regions that will substantially strengthen each project and ensure large scale impact and transformation at the micro and macro levels.

  7. To identify and interrupt disempowering and exclusionary practices and ‘isms’ that limit strategies projects towards a thriving society and planet.

  8. Create trans-disciplinary strategies for ethical action and results dedicated to synergetic solutions.


RTL Here and Now is an innovative leadership program that has been proven all over the world to generate needed paradigmatic shifts. This is a unique whole systems transformation-oriented, learning-in-action program that grounds us in our deepest values and existing expertise, enables us to hold multiple perspectives and guides us in designing for cultural and system-level changes.





The programme will use a unique response model - the Conscious Full-Spectrum Response (CFSR) model - which is a cutting-edge, new generation thinking that has been proven to generate transformative changes worldwide and is designed by Dr. Monica Sharma (author of “Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents”). The book is based on her vast and extensive experience over 35 years of application of various methods, templates and tools for tangible results for people’s development worldwide, in over 60 countries.

This meta-frame is designed to, simultaneously in time, solve problems and generate measurable results, transform unworkable systems and cultural norms that perpetuate these problems, and create new patterns sourced from individuals’ inner capacity, universal values and transformational leadership. It plays a critical role in redefining ‘Development’ encompassing our inner and outer worlds, both as individuals and groups, so as to source the far reaches of the human and cultural capabilities to address the challenges we face

It intertwines three threads of a paradigm shift: (a) source our wisdom/inner potential and universal values for action; (b) shift cultural norms, systems, and structures that maintain the status quo and become principled game changers; and (c) solve problems in order to generate specific equitable and sustainable results. 

The conscious full-spectrum response model can be applied to any field since it is subject- agnostic and fosters the ability to simultaneously hold multiple perspectives and yet have principled action and results. This new way of thinking and doing offers a new path for today’s leaders - social and environmental practitioners, teachers, media and legal professionals, activists and philanthropists, entrepreneurs and government representatives/staff-to experience the deeper convergence of principles, purpose and practice to generate concrete results that benefit all of humanity.

The Conscious Full Spectrum Response Model is the foundational development model for transformation. The conscious full-spectrum response (CFSR) model is a transdisciplinary model and template for strategic action and is robust enough to hold the frameworks of different disciplines, various schools of thought. It is subject agnostic and therefore can applied across verticals and functions in an organization.

The program is designed to overcome traditional limitations by introducing a comprehensive set of approaches that encompasses all relevant dimensions of current and emerging change processes. It requires citizens and stewards/leaders of change to accelerate their own transformative process. The design requires participants to build upon their projects that they care about and wish to transform and explore work at scale and innovate.


“The world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems that we cannot solve at the same level at which we have created them... We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if humankind is to survive…” -Albert Einstein


“Poverty is not an accident. Like slavery and apartheid, it is man-made and can be removed by the actions of human beings.” - Nelson Mandela



Who can participate?

Any individual and organization who burns for equity, human unity and dignity for everyone and is in action or desires to make difference in our society for sustainable change that entails sourcing universal values and ethical action and for social and environmental well-being; organizations and individuals in Education/Academia, Corporate, Government, Civil Society, Communication and Media. More than one participant from an organization or team is encouraged to apply.

What Participants Say

"For me undergoing the program since 2014 has helped me to become a stronger person and given me the courage to speak from stand and principles for justice and fairness without worrying about the consequences and my fears. The various tools used in the Stewardship Program has enabled me to redesign my community mental health project which is now more inclusive, sustainable and engaging multiple stakeholders”.


RTL took me to a place where I could explore myself, create meaning in everyday actions at home, workplace and society. I see myself as an interconnected being in my everyday actions. The CFSR model and all the tools have helped me anchor myself in what I care about, see the big picture to navigate through complexities and be in action in reality.”


The program woke me to the responsibility I have to be at my full potential connected to what I really care about as an agent of change in the world. It gave me the courage to face the disparity and polarization that is so evident in today’s world, to stand in universal values speaking up for equity for all. The program taught me to design differently, always keeping universal values as the core element while challenging norms and systems that create and maintain problems and designing and implementing values-based solutions that leave no-one out. I feel I am walking a path of growth and continual learning that will be lifelong”.


“I stand for equality and equity for myself and others. The program Stewardship helps me to constantly reflect on what I have done and what I am going to do by using the integrity lens and transforming destructive anger to courageous heart response. It makes me question myself and look at problems as opportunities. I use the tools and templates to align, ground myself and to feel whole as a human being”.


A process that has helped me to see that I am an agent of change, it was a catalyst that has stimulated me to be part of the change I wish to see,  it has expanded and structured the way I dream and given me the space and  tools to manifest these dreams for a better life for all. It is a continuous deepening and day to day practice”.



  • Session 1: 31 August -2 September 2024 (Sat to Mon)

  • Session 2: 5-6 October 2024 (Sat  to Sun)

  • Session 3: 9-10 November 2024 (Sat to Sun)

  • Session 4: 7-8 December 2024 (Sat to Sun)


PLEASE NOTE: All participants must commit to participating in all days of each programme and in all the four sessions. Missing sessions or any day will result in not continuing further sessions/days and dropping out of the course/workshop. The program consists of a series of 4 sessions. New templates and tools to enhance capacities are introduced; and in interim weekly sessions, we practice these learnings and capacities in action. Participants work alongside others from a variety of disciplines to build common language and practices so that we can work in synergy.   


Click here on the form


Register before 15 APRIL, 2024 and get a 20% early bird discount.  

The registration fee (inclusive of GST) for the 4-part workshop:


  • All new registered participants based in India is Rs. 31,860.

  • USD 500 for participants from income poor countries.

  • USD 840 for participants from and based in income rich countries as well corporates, international organizations and donor agencies

  • For Students Rs. 2,360

  • For our RTL Alumni a stage I - Rs. 15930

  • Discounts for group registrations from organizations

  • Early Bird Discount of 20% for registration and payment before 15 April 2024


If you would like to sponsor any candidate or contribute to a scholarship

  • This is not a sponsored program and we have not procured grants for the workshop, but we are exploring for scholarships. 

  • Please feel free to contact us for any assistance at

    Glasika: +91  6260337629 (Phone, Signal, Telegram and Whatsapp)


    Team RTLWorks: Signal/WhatsApp/Telegram: +91 9869219901


  • 15th April 2024        : Early bird discount of 20 %

  • 23rd August 2024     :  Last day to register 

  • 23rd August 2024     :  Last date for payment for workshop fee



Main Resource Person: Dr. Monica Sharma trained as a physician and epidemiologist, worked for the United Nations since 1988 for 22 years. Currently, she engages worldwide as an International Expert and Practitioner on Leadership Development for sustainable and equitable change. She works with United Nations, Universities, Management Institutions, governments, business, media and civil society organisations. She is the author of the award-winning book “Radical Transformational Leadership: Strategic Action for Change Agents”. She created a unique response based on extensive application –a conscious full-spectrum model- that generated equitable and sustainable results related to several Sustainable Development Goals, worldwide. As a practitioner, her proven track record of generating measurable results at scale, expertise related to achieving sustainable development goals as well as enhancing leadership on every continent, are unique.

Bridget Horkan has been engaged in development aid and community building in Africa, Asia and Europe. She is passionate about education, empowerment and community engagement. She currently serves in and near the international township of Auroville. Bridget co-founded and manages Thamarai Educational Projects and is a core group member of RTL Academy in Auroville practicing to integrate the templates and tools in her life, work and mentoring others, both locally and internationally, to do the same.

Glasika cares deeply about humanity, joy and happiness. She currently works as program coordinator of RTLWorks. She is a member of the RTL Global Mental Health group. She trained to be an engineer and thereafter pursued professional social work counsellor training from the Tata Institute of Social sciences, Guwahati. She is an RTL Practitioner Coach and has been trained in using the RTL tools and templates and applies them in her work on promoting wellbeing in the school. She also works in the field of mental health and emotional learning (SEL) for school children. She works closely with marginalised communities to foster well being and empathy.

Sanjeev Ranganathan is the recipient of the Lewis Winner Award for his research and has created products used by over a billion people. He is a core group member of RTL Academy in Auroville and  the founder of C3STREAM land Designs a commercial unit that supports rural youth learn, grow, work and teach.  Youth consult in Programming, Artificial Intelligence and large data, VLSI Design and Business Analysis with international companies; and simultaneously volunteer to teach over 250 children in STEAM (Science Technology Engineering Arts Mathematics) education in schools.

Srilatha Juvva is a social work educator and Professor with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences in Mumbai. She is a practitioner coach, trained in Dr. Monica Sharma’s Radical Transformational Leadership and applies this to transform higher education and in-service delivery for mental health and disability. She uses these tools and templates also to transform disempowering narratives of mental health and disability through fostering dignity, full potential and ethical leadership in people.

Sudarshan Rodriguez is the CEO at RTLWork and has a wide range of expertise in environmental sciences, disaster management and livelihoods. He is a practitioner coach trained in the Conscious Full-Spectrum Response Model, a transformational leadership approach based on universal values and ethics developed and created by Dr. Monica Sharma. His passion to work for planetary and people’s well-being and vision for people’s development worldwide makes him stand out from the crowd.

Session I: 31 August -2September 2024 (Sat-Mon)

Session II: 5-6 October 2024 (Sat-Sun)

Session III: 9-10 November 2024 (Sat-Sun)

Session IV: 7-8 December 2024 (Sat-Sun)

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